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Thank You CFC Volunteers!

For National Volunteer Week, Comfort Food Community would like to recognize each and every one of our volunteers.

They truly are the heart of our team! 💙🤍

From pantry service four times a week to picking up food and stocking shelves; through packing and delivering backpacks of meals to local students every Friday to gleaning food from our partner farms, and special projects such as the Summer Meal Program for Greenwich students; PLUS so much more, members of our community have made CFC’s services possible!

Throughout this very difficult pandemic year, volunteers have continued to help. Although many volunteers had to step back due to risk factors, they were eager to return as soon as they could. Others masked, sanitized and distanced through essential activities as community needs increased. We are so appreciative of their continued dedication and support!

Throughout the next week, keep an eye out for special volunteer recognition features on CFC's social media and website. We are so grateful to live in a place that comes together to build community through the inspirational power of good, healthy food.

Comfort Food Community Volunteers:

Abby Henderson. Adam Dzieniszewski. Aidan Finnegan. Alan Stern. Alane Ball.

Amanda Willetts. Amy Jordan. Andrew Cencini. Andrew Schiavo. Ann Dileo.

Ann Townsend. Anna Headwell. Annabel Gregg. Audrey Fischer. Barbara Sass.

Barbara Simoneau. Bruce Miller. Caide Flanders. Caine Martin. Carol Throop.

Cassandra Stevens. Caterina Balentine. Catherine Littell. Cathleen Shaw-Hebert.

Cathy Boice. Christine Dungan. Christine Levy. Christopher Albrecht. Ciara Tabor.

Claire Hartten. Cliff Seguin. Colleen Kurtz. Cynthia Bulger. Daniel Fischer. Danielle Carnett. David Drew. David Shontz. Deanna Park. Deb Anderson. Debbie Maines. Debbie Warnock. Desiree Kienast. Diane Thomas. Donna Blair. Donna Morrison. Edith Brown.

Eleanor deVries. Eliakim Littell. Elisha Mittleman. Elizabeth Call. Elizabeth Garger.

Elizabeth Miller. Emily Miller. Erin Boivin. Ethan Rubenstein. Evan Lawrence. Francis Musso. Gail Jensen. Gale Keraga. Grace McFarren. Heather DiDonato. Helen Mcintosh.

Hugh Roome. Jacob Hall.Jacob Pearson. James Mumby. Jamie Haskell. Jane Darrow.

Janet Pagano. Jay Bridge. Jennifer Hogan. Jerome Thomas. Jessica Brophy. Jill Eaton.

Jill Patterson. Joan Agard. Joanne Devine. Jocelyn Spiezio. Jodi Frank. John Furman.

Joshua Ginart. Judith Doonan. Julie Vanderhoff. Juliet White. Kate Bykowski. Katelyn Patrick.

Katherine Kelleher. Kathy Roome. Kathleen Hanchett. Kathy Nichols-Tomkins. Kathy Smith.

Kelly Smith. Kerri Culhane. Lady Rucinskilane. Laura Robertson. Lauren Maines.

Leah Breeyear. Leona Brownell. Leslie Parke. Lila Brown. Linda Anderson. Linda Ledek.

Lisa Kinley. Lorrie Babbel. Luke Goldreyer. Lyn Chenier. Madelyn Carney.

Margaret Roberson. Margaret Stevens. Marilyn Peters. Mark Hebert. Mark Wesner.

Marlene O'Donnell. Marti Ellermann. Maryann McGeorge. Maryanne Patane.

MaryLou Stern. Maud Maynard. Maureen Burke. Maureen Fowler. Maureen Niesz.

Meaghan Keegan. Michelle Ginart. Mike Lavoo. Mike McGraw. Milton Ilario.

Naomi Meyer. Neil Baker. Pamela Stevens. Pat Driscoll. Patrice Abate. Paul Fronhofer.

Pete Peters. Rachel Clothier. Rachel Denaker-Hickok. Rachel Michaud. Rachel Mueller.

Ray Sans. Rebecca Bodkin. Reese Autiello. Ron Renoni. Ronald Hansen. Sandra Hall.

Sara Idleman. Sarah Moses. Sheridan Jacobs. Stacy Perkins. Stephen Ashton. Susan McNeil. Susan Roods. Susan Sanderson. Susan Smith. Sylvia Bloom. Tena Bunnell.

Thomas Abate. Thomas Waring. Tim Taylor. Tom Graves. Tom Wilson. Tony Jordan.

Tracey Martin


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Comfort Food Community
PO Box 86
Greenwich, NY12834

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2530 Route 40

Greenwich, NY


Monday: 4–7PM

Wednesday: 9–11AM & 4–7PM

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Cossayuna Food Pantry

21 Bunker Hill Road

Cossayuna, NY


Tuesday: 3:30–5:30PM

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